Thursday 13 December 2012

How to Win Your Pick-6 Lottery Game


Would you be surprised to learn your method of playing the 
lottery makes it virtually impossible to win?  

Actually it depends on what your definition of win is.

Optimal lottery playing strategy calls for a decision to be 
made to target lower tier prizes or to go for the jackpot.  If 
you don't know which your lottery system or software was 
designed to do, chances are it aims to make users happy with a 
series of small regular wins.

It is only common sense when creating a system to be used by 
the general public to ward off complaints with a method that 
provides a strong chance of three number wins and maybe the 
occasional four number win to give the impression you're on 
the right track. 

It has taken me many years of research and lotto play to learn 
the information you are about to review.  Some information is 
directly contradictory to current advice, it may help to 
explain why you haven't already won.  If your lottery playing 
expertise hasn't reached the level where this information 
proves helpful, print and save a copy for another time.  

                  Why We Win Why We Lose

There are two sets of odds we deal with in the lottery once we 
get past buying just one combination.

When you buy more than six numbers among a group of 
combinations for a drawing there are specific odds that come 
into play telling us the chances of having some to all the 
winning numbers among those we are playing.  Then there are 
also the odds of winning prizes once you have winning numbers 
among those you are playing.

Here's a good example using a typical 6/49 game.

You decide to play 12 numbers in two combinations.  While the 
odds of having six winning numbers among any six numbers are 1 
in 13.9 million, the odds of having six winning numbers among 
any 12 randomly chosen numbers are 1 in 15,134.  Now you know 
why it's better to play more than one combination.

Let's take a look at the odds of having winning numbers among 
groups of 12, 18 and 22 randomly selected numbers in a typical 
6/49 game . . .

6 if 12 = 1 in 15,134.00
5 if 12 = 1 in 477.20
4 if 12 = 1 in 42.42
3 if 12 = 1 in 8.18

6 if 18 = 1 in 753.28
5 if 18 = 1 in 52.65
4 if 18 = 1 in 9.83
3 if 18 = 1 in 3.81

6 if 22 = 1 in 187.42
5 if 22 = 1 in 19.67
4 if 22 = 1 in 5.45
3 if 22 = 1 in 3.10

Take the line "6 if 22 = 1 in 187.42" it is telling you to 
expect to average having all six winning numbers among your 22 
one time in 187.42 tries.  If you don't have all six winning 
numbers among your 22 in the first 187.42 tries then you can 
hope for two times within 374.84 tries.  Of course you might 
get lucky and have all six among your 22 on the first try, see 
what happens if you do . . .

Odds of winning a prize.

6 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in 924.00
5 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in 25.67
4 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in 4.11
3 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in -2.31

6 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 18,564.00
5 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 257.83
4 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 18.75
3 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 4.22

6 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 74,613.00
5 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 777.22
4 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 41.45
3 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 6.66

Now you know the horrible truth.  The more numbers you play 
the better your odds of having the winning numbers among them 
and the worsening of your odds of winning a prize.

What about wheeling?  Wheeling is a net of numbers woven to 
catch a prize.  Any two combinations containing 12 different 
numbers guarantees at least two 3# prizes if six winning 
numbers should fall among them, hence you see a negative -2.31 
in the chart above.  This is because the most likely result of 
having six winning numbers fall among 12 is 3 on a side, while 
the odds go up to 1 in 924 of them all landing on one side or 
the other.  You might note a full wheel containing all the 
combinations necessary to guarantee a 6# jackpot win with all 
six winning numbers among the 12 also happens to be 924 

What keeps things interesting for lottery players is a wheel 
to guarantee a 4# prize when all six winning numbers fall 
among 12 wheeled requires only 6 combinations.  While it takes 
77 wheeled combinations to provide a 95% chance of a 4# win 
when all six winning numbers fall among 22 being played.  Plus 
you can always luck out and do much better than guaranteed.

To sum up what we've learned so far . . . it doesn't matter 
whether we wheel 12, 18 or 22 numbers, the odds of having all 
six winning numbers among them isn't very good and the odds of 
winning a jackpot when we do is slim to none.

So the first question we ask at this point is why we don't get 
all six winning numbers among the 12, 18 or 22 numbers 

Why We Don't Pick the Winning Numbers:

Number Distribution is the key to everything about the lottery 
you need to know.  There are many distributions in the lottery 
from the ratios of odd and even, low and high numbers, to how 
many numbers come from each decade, share the same last digit, 

The most important distribution in the lottery is the one that 
tells us where the winning numbers come from.

To find where the winning numbers come from we need to build a 
chart not generally found in lottery systems and software.  To 
do so we need to select a range of history to work with and to 
define our terms.

Our first step is to decide how much history to use.  We want 
to give every number an equal chance to perform within the 
scope of what's happening now.  We could use the last 50 or 
100 previous draws, but the lottery could have changed out 
their ballsets or repaired a machine which could mean relying 
on outdated information.  

The best range known to date, is to use enough draws so every 
number has the opportunity to be drawn twice.  In a 6/48 game 
6 goes into 48 eight times which means in 8 draws each number 
has one chance to be drawn.  To give each number two chances 
to be drawn we'd have to use the last 16 draws.  In a 6/53 
game like Florida we would divide 6 into 53 to get 8.83 or 9 
and use the last 18 draws for our data.

Working with the Florida 6/53 game . . .

On scrap paper we list all the numbers in our game and using 
the history from the last 18 drawings we make a mark next to 
the numbers for each time they were drawn.  This gives us a 
chart like this . . .

For draw 874 based on draws 856 through 873 (04/10 - 06/08/02) 
## Hits
01 xx
02 xxx
03 x
04 xx
05 x
06 xxxx
07 xxxx
08 xx
09 xxxx
10 xx
12 x
13 xx
14 xxx

Simple enough frequency chart to make isn't it, takes about 
two minutes on a piece of scrap paper with the game history in 

Next we want to arrange the numbers in the order of those that 
hit most to least or you could say "Hot" to "Cold" and 
transfer that information to graph paper as we'll stack a pile 
of these charts like steps to see where winning numbers fall 
in the game.  After the draw we go back and highlight the 
winning numbers (*).  

For many your current lottery software can take you this far 
or you can get the information for your chart free on-line at

See the 20  5 below under draw number 916, that means the 
number 20 had 5 hits in the last 18 draws.  See the 36* 5 
under draw number 921, that means the number 36 had five hits 
in the last 18 draws and was drawn as one of the winning 
numbers in draw number 921.   

For draws 916 based on draws 898-915 through 915-922.

916    917    918    919    920    921    922    923
20  5  20  5  20  5  20  5  36  5  36* 5  36  5  36  5
36  5  36* 5  25  5  36  5  40  5  40  5  40  5  37  5
40  5  07  4  36  5  11  4  11  4  11  4  12  4  40  5
07  4  11  4  07  4  17  4  20  4  12  4  20  4  12* 4
11  4  17  4  11  4  25  4  25  4  20  4  23  4  17  4
17  4  25* 4  17  4  26  4  37  4  37  4  37* 4  20  4
25  4  26  4  26  4  37  4  07  3  37  4  01  3  23  4
26  4  37  4  37  4  40* 4  09  3  07  3  09  3  32  4
32  4  40  4  40  4  04  3  12* 3  09  3  11  3  01  3
37  4  41  4  04  3  07  3  15  3  15  3  15  3  05* 3
41  4  09  3  09  3  09* 3  17* 3  17  3  17* 3  09  3
16  3  16  3  21  3  12  3  21* 3  23* 3  21  3  11  3
21* 3  21  3  32* 3  21  3  26  3  25  3  26  3  15  3
29  3  29  3  41  3  27  3  27  3  26  3  27  3  27  3
30  3  32  3  05  1  32  3  32  3  27  3  32* 3  28  3
43  3  04* 2  06  2  38  3  38  3  32  3  38  3  38  3
04  2  05  2  12* 2  41  3  41  3  38  3  39  3  41  3
06  2  06  2  13  2  05  2  01  2  41  3  41  3  44  3
09* 2  10  2  15  2  06  2  04  2  44  3  44  3  04  2
10  2  12  2  16  2  13  2  05  2  01* 2  04* 2  13* 2
13  2  13  2  24  2  15* 2  06  2  01  2  05* 2  16  2
22  2  27  2  27* 2  16  2  13  2  05  2  07  2  21  2
28  2  28  2  28  2  24  2  16  2  13  2  13  2  22  2
31  2  30  2  29  2  28  2  23* 2  16  2  16  2  24  2
34  2  31  2  30  2  29  2  24  2  24  2  22  2  25  2
49  2  34  2  31  2  30  2  28  2  28  2  24  2  26  2
50  2  38  2  34  2  31  2  29  2  29  2  25  2  29  2
51  2  43  2  38* 2  34  2  30  2  30  2  28* 2  30  2
52  2  49  2  43  2  43  2  31  2  31  2  29  2  31  2
53  2  50  2  49  2  44  2  43  2  39* 2  30  2  34  2
01  1  51  2  50  2  50  2  44  2  43  2  31  2  39  2
03  1  52  2  51  2  51  2  50  2  50  2  34  2  51  2
05* 1  53  2  52  2  52  2  51  2  51  2  50  2  52  2
08  1  01  1  53  2  01* 1  52  2  52  2  51  2  02  1
12* 1  03  1  01  1  03  1  02  1  02  1  52  2  02  1
14  1  08  1  03  1  08  1  03  1  03  1  02  1  06  1
15  1  14  1  08  1  10  1  08  1  06  1  03  1  07* 1
18  1  15* 1  10  1  14  1  10  1  10  1  06  1  10  1
19  1  18  1  14  1  19  1  14  1  14  1  10  1  14  1
23  1  19  1  18  1  22  1  19  1  19  1  14  1  19  1
24  1  22  1  19  1  23* 1  22  1  22* 1  19  1  42  1
27* 1  23  1  23  1  33  1  33  1  34* 1  42  1  43* 1
33  1  24* 1  33  1  39  1  34  1  42  1  43  1  47  1
38* 1  33  1  39  1  42  1  39* 1  47  1  47  1  48  1
39  1  39  1  42  1  47  1  42  1  48  1  48  1  49* 1
42  1  42  1  44* 1  48  1  47  1  49  1  49  1  50  1
47  1  47  1  47  1  49  1  48  1  08  0  08  0  08  0
48  1  48  1  48  1  53  1  49  1  18  0  18  0  18  0
02  0  02  0  02  0  02* 0  53  1  33  0  33  0  33  0
35  0  35  0  22* 0  18  0  18  0  35  0  35  0  35  0
44  0  44* 0  35  0  35  0  35  0  45  0  45  0  45  0
45  0  45  0  45  0  45  0  45  0  46  0  46  0  46  0
46  0  46  0  46  0  46  0  46  0  53  0  53  0  53  0

You're seeing here the actual raw data showing where the 
winning numbers came from positionally in columns of numbers 
ranged from "Hot" to "Cold" based on hits in the last 18 

The chart above should be more enlightening printed out and 
viewed as a whole.  Trouble with demonstration charts is how 
they look like just a big bucket of numbers.  Until you make 
your own charts, your focus and subconscious can't go to work 
on interpreting, so the above chart won't make much sense.  

For now we'll condense the above chart along with the last 50 
draws from the Florida 6/53 in order to make the point, your 
chart you'll need to determine for your own lotto game.

The key is to define our terms.  For the purposes of the above 
chart and the following condensed chart we'll stipulate . . .

HOT: A number with 3 or more hits in the last 18 draws.

AVERAGE: A number with 1 or 2 hits in the last 18 draws.

COLD: A number with zero hits in the last 18 draws.

(If the need arises, Average can be split into Warm Average (2 
hits) and Cool Average (1 hit).  Hot can be split into Just 
Hot (3 hits) and Hot (4 or more hits).  Cold can be split into 
Just Cold and Very Cold.  Do what works for you as necessary.)

X/Y = Hits / Number of Hot, Average, Cold.

FL 6/53 in groups of 18 draws 856 - 873 through 905 - 922 

Hot 3 or more, Average 1 or 2, Cold 0 Zero, hits.

Hot Average Cold  
20/3  24/2  09/1 Draw # 874 06/12/2002
18/3  27/3  08/0
19/3  26/3  08/0
20/4  25/2  08/0
19/3  25/3  09/0
17/1  24/2  11/3
17/1  26/5  10/0
16/2  26/2  11/2
16/3  28/1  09/2
16/1  29/4  07/1
16/2  30/4  07/0 Draw # 884 07/17/02
14/2  31/3  08/1
15/1  31/4  07/1
16/1  29/2  08/3
17/3  30/2  06/1
16/3  32/3  05/0
18/2  28/3  07/1
16/4  30/2  07/0
16/3  30/3  07/0
16/4  28/0  09/2
15/3  31/2  07/1 DRAW # 894 08/21/02
16/1  31/3  06/2
15/0  34/6  04/0
13/2  36/2  04/2
14/1  36/4  03/1
16/1  35/5  02/0
17/1  30/3  05/2
17/3  31/3  04/0
17/3  31/3  05/0
17/2  29/4  07/0
16/0  29/6  08/0 Draw # 904 09/25/02
19/3  26/2  08/1
16/1  29/3  08/2
16/2  30/4  07/0
18/2  27/3  08/1
20/4  26/1  07/1
21/2  25/3  07/1
19/1  28/5  06/0
19/3  28/3  06/0
19/3  27/3  07/0 
17/1  29/2  07/3 Draw # 914 10/30/02
17/4  31/1  05/1
16/1  32/5  05/0
15/2  33/3  05/1
14/1  34/4  05/1
17/2  31/3  05/1
17/3  32/3  04/1
18/2  27/4  07/0
19/3  27/2  07/0
18/2  28/4  07/0
16/2  25/4  07/0 Draw # 924 12/04/02

Direct your attention to the "Hot" number column.  What should 
leap out at you is how the "Hot" numbers do not have more than 
four winning numbers!  

Hot numbers contribute from one to four numbers toward winning 
the jackpot, at no time does the jackpot come from Hot numbers 
alone.  Playing "Hot" numbers virtually guarantees you won't 
get the chance to win a lottery jackpot!

Next look at the "Cold" numbers and you'll see any strategy 
based on waiting for those Cold Due numbers to all hit 
together is not going to happen.

What about the strategy of playing the Hot and Cold numbers?  
There is only one draw in fifty where this would have worked, 
not an opportunity that comes around often enough to take 
advantage of.

To put this into perspective.  Your software picks the hottest 
12 to 22 numbers to wheel, a nice 3 if 3 or 4 if 6 wheel would 
give you some three number wins or a lucky four number hit 
about 19 times in 50 and we're talking a high odds 6/53 game 
so winning several times a month sure looks like we're on the 
right path.  The reality is, at no time in the last 50 draws, 
was a jackpot ever possible playing the Hot numbers.

How about playing all the numbers?  Have you ever looked at 
one of the wheels that plays all the numbers?  Look really 
close and you'll find they are really made up of two or more 
totally independent wheels.  What does this mean . . . ?

Most of these split or Franken-Wheels start with an excellent 
3if3in22number77combination wheel, what a coincidence your Hot 
numbers would land in that portion so you'd see some lower 
tier wins.  The rear portion is a 3if4 wheel, so if the worse 
case scenario comes up and Hot contributes only zero one or 
two winning numbers to the 3if3 portion, then there would have 
to be four or more winning numbers for the rump portion to win 
a three number prize and so the "guarantee" of a 3 number win.

These split wheels turn up in all sizes.  It's not uncommon to 
find the favored 3if6in24number20combination wheel to be made 
of a 3if3 and a 3if4 portion often intertwined in an attempt 
to disguise its flawed construction.  Even 3if5of6 wheels are 
not immune being made up of two 3if3 wheels.  These wheels 
seem ingenious often being tighter than a properly made wheel, 
but don't be fooled as they make it harder to win.

Remember the odds of getting winning numbers among those 
played?  If your split wheel front end is 12, 18 or 22 numbers 
the odds of having all the winning numbers among them is 
greatly reduced compared to playing a non-split wheel.  You 
might as well be playing two totally independent wheels, 
either way your odds of getting all six winning numbers on one 
side or the other are the same as getting all odd or all even 
or all high or all low numbers on one side or the other. OUCH!

At this point you will usually be reminded every combination 
has an equal chance of being drawn, so how can being part of 
one kind of wheel make them less likely than being part of 
another?  To understand this you need to know a little bit 
about how odds work in the real world.

There is a big difference between an event being possible in 
every drawing and how often an event is likely to occur.

It's just common sense, the more there are of a thing in a pot 
the more likely you will pull one out in a draw.

Some will say there is exactly one type of each combination, 
only we're not talking about combinations right now, we're 
talking about having the numbers that make up the winning 
combination being among a group of numbers we're playing.

Say you have a pot with 500 white marbles and 10 blue and you 
give the thing a good shake.  Without looking try drawing a 
blue marble, what color would you expect to find in your hand?

Obviously anything could have happened, but reality is more 
often than not a white marble will be drawn.  If you didn't 
put the drawn marbles back, white marbles would be drawn 500 
times and blue 10 times.  If you did put the marble back after 
each draw it is highly unlikely you'd draw a blue marble at 
any time.

Now let's change things around.  Instead of 500 white marbles 
and 10 blue, we'll try 255 white and 255 blue, now how many 
white and blue marbles would you expect to have in your hand 
after six draws?  After 24 draws?  The odds now favor half and 
half every time.

In a typical 6/49 game before the first ball is drawn we know 
to expect the following breakdown off odd and even, low and 
high, with an approximate range of hotter to colder numbers to 

3/3 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 4,655,200 = 33.28(991)%
4/2 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 3,491,400 = 24.96(743)%
2/4 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 3,187,800 = 22.79(635)%
5/1 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 1,275,120 = 09.11(854)%
1/5 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 1,062,600 = 07.59(878)%
6/0 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold =   177,100 = 01.26(646)%
0/6 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold =   134,596 = 00.96(251)% 

The hot-cold ratio isn't as precise as the odd/even, low/high, 
numbers and simply divides the field somewhere within the 
average numbers as if hot were numbers with two or more hits 
and cold were numbers with one or none.  What matters is how 
the distribution shows what balances need to be in your 
combinations to have a chance at winning in the most possible 
draws over time.

The breakdown chart above could be counter-intuitive as many 
people would look at it and think they should play 3/3 
odd/even, low/high, hot-cold on every ticket to have a shot at 
winning in one third of all drawings.  Nothing could be 
further from the truth!

The odds of the three 3/3 groups hitting together are . . .

YYY, YYN, YNY, NYY, YNN, NYN, NNY, NNN or 1 in 8 of the 1 draw 
in 3 this opportunity arises.  

Do you filter your combinations?  If your first step is to 
remove all but 3/3 odd/even, low/high combinations the chances 
of winning a jackpot are slim indeed.

The trick if there can be said to be one, is to make 
combinations like those that win in your game and to avoid the 
extreme long shots when trying to win a jackpot.  This means 
selecting or building combinations with a good assortment of 

In other words, well constructed combinations can contain 1 to 
5 odd, even, low, high and 0 to 4 hot, average or cold numbers 
for a jackpot attempt.  If we break these down into three 
groups covering all the numbers we see 17 working proportions.

Hot  Average  Cold

 4      2      0
 4      0      2
 4      1      1
 3      3      0
 3      0      3
 3      2      1
 3      1      2
 2      2      2
 2      3      1
 2      1      3
 2      4      0
 1      5      0
 1      3      2
 0      6      0
 0      5      1
 0      4      2
 0      3      3

There are 28 ways to split the numbers up into three groups as 
shown below, of course some distributions are less likely.

01-16 17-33 34-49
  6     0     0  =  8,008 combinations unlikely
  0     6     0  =  8,008 combinations unlikely
  0     0     6  =  8,008 combinations unlikely
  5     1     0  =  69,888 combinations rare
  5     0     1  =  69,888 combinations rare
  1     5     0  =  69,888 combinations rare
  1     0     5  =  69,888 combinations rare
  0     5     1  =  69,888 combinations rare
  0     1     5  =  69,888 combinations rare
  4     2     0  =  69,888 combinations rare
  4     0     2  =  218,400 combinations fair
  2     4     0  =  218,400 combinations fair
  2     0     4  =  218,400 combinations fair
  0     2     4  =  218,400 combinations fair
  0     4     2  =  218,400 combinations fair
  4     1     1  =  495,040 combinations good
  1     4     1  =  495,040 combinations good
  1     1     4  =  495,040 combinations good
  3     3     0  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  3     0     3  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  3     2     1  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  3     1     2  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  1     3     2  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  2     3     1  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  1     2     3  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  2     1     3  =  1,142,400 combinations better
  2     2     2  =  1,958,400 combinations best

Best 2-2-2 is still only 2 million out of 13.9 million 
combinations so we need a good mix in any combinations we 
make.  If it seems confusing at first, the thing to remember 
from all this is to have a good assortment in picking your 
numbers.  What really hurts your chances is having everything 
one way and the winning combination comes in another.  You are 
better off with some chances to win in almost every draw than 
waiting for a type of draw that may not be drawn at all.

How to Eliminate Some Numbers:

Even though we'd like to put all the numbers into play, the 
cost can be prohibitive.  Even the addition of a few numbers 
to a game sends the odds soaring and eliminating a few numbers 
has the reverse effect.

The Florida game odds were raised from 6/49's 1 in 13.9 
million to 6/53's 1 in 22.9 million.  Four additional numbers 
almost doubled the odds!!!  On the other hand the successful 
elimination of four or more numbers has an exactly opposite 
effect lowering the odds an equal amount.

The standard method of eliminating numbers to bring a 6/53 
game back to a 6/49 or to bring a 6/49 to 6/48 for wheeling or 
even to 6/43 to eliminate 8 million combinations, is to not 
play some or all of the numbers drawn in the prior draw.  45% 
of the time none of the numbers from the prior draw are drawn 
again in the next.

In other words, if on Sat. 12/07/02 01-03-07-32-34-49 is drawn 
don't play any of those numbers in the next draw.  On Wed 
12/11/02 08-10-15-24-48-53 was drawn containing none of the 
numbers from the previous drawing.  This trick works about 45% 
of the time and more often if you only eliminate one or two of 
the previous drawn numbers for an easy divide by six.

The reason lotteries use games like 6/49 rather than 6/48 is 
to make it harder (requiring more combinations) to cover the 
numbers evenly.  You can play all 48 numbers on 8 combinations,  
but it becomes confusing trying to cover all 49 when 5 have to be 
specially picked to go with the 49th.

                 How to Eliminate More Numbers

Sometimes you want to remove more than six numbers from play 
at a time.  The following method does this again about 45% of 
the time.  It can NOT be used in conjunction with the above 
method of eliminating the previous six numbers, in fact it 
requires you play them.

Print out the last 20 draws or more, whatever's easiest.

Draw a line after the most recent 3, the next most recent 3,
then most recent 4, and the next two most recent 3.  This 
gives us two groups of 3 draws, followed by a group of 4 draws 
and finally two more groups of 3 draws.  Like this . . .

Group E
907 10/05/02 Sat 09-15-16-26-28-42
908 10/09/02 Wed 10-20-26-40-41-47
909 10/12/02 Sat 17-20-32-41-50-52
Group D
910 10/16/02 Wed 03-34-36-37-40-51
911 10/19/02 Sat 11-27-30-36-43-52
912 10/23/02 Wed 16-17-30-31-41-49
Group C
913 10/26/02 Sat 11-20-25-37-48-51
914 10/30/02 Wed 05-19-20-23-29-31
915 11/02/02 Sat 01-07-11-29-37-40
916 11/06/02 Wed 05-09-12-21-27-38
Group B
917 11/09/02 Sat 04-15-24-25-36-44
918 11/13/02 Wed 12-22-27-32-38-44
919 11/16/02 Sat 01-02-09-15-23-40
Group A
920 11/20/02 Wed 12-17-21-23-39-44
921 11/23/02 Sat 01-22-23-34-36-39
922 11/27/02 Wed 04-05-17-28-32-37

Write out the numbers in your game, in this case it would be 
from 01 to 53.  

If the number appears in group A or C make a check next to it.  
When done you should have 42 check marks.  Count them.

If the number appears in group B or E and is not already 
checked, put an "X" next to it. (ignore those with checks)

Play the numbers with and without check marks, don't play the 
numbers with "X" next to them.

Let's see how this works out . . .

01 **   16 X    31 *    46 
02 X    17 **   32 *    47 X
03      18      33      48 *
04 *    19 *    34 *    49 
05 ***  20 **   35      50 X
06      21 **   36 *    51 *
07 *    22 *    37 ***  52 X
08      23 ***  38 *   53 
09 *    24 X    39 **  
10 X    25 *    40 * 
11 **   26 X    41 X
12 **   27 *    42 X
13      28 *    43
14      29 **   44 *
15 X    30      45 

As you can see we have 42 checks [*] and 11 with an "X" so we 
eliminated 11 numbers from play.

And the winning draw on 923 11/30/02 Sat was 05-07-12-13-43-49 
all from the checked and blank numbers a success!!!  

As I said this works about 45% of the time.  When it does as 
in this case we eliminated 11 numbers from play taking the 
game from a 6/53 at 1 in 22.9 million odds to a 6/42 at 1 in 
5.2 million, a 17.7 million combination reduction in odds!!!

If this had been a 6/49 at 1 in 13.9 million combinations game 
the successful elimination of 11 numbers would make it a 6/38 
game for the draw at 1 in 2.8 million and this is before 
you've created your first combination!

                 The Incredible Super Wheel

It's nice to know what a winning combination should look like
and the balances of hot to cold, odd to even, low to high that
should be in it.  You should keep those factors in mind when
picking your numbers, for we have here the wheel that can make
you a millionaire.

Yes folks, this is the Lotto-Logix Miracle Super Wheel 
appearing here for the first time anywhere (I know of).

How would you like a wheel whose matrix is so simple you can 
carry it in your head?  Perfect for when on vacation to play 
any state Pick-6 game.

How would you like a wheel you can use whether you play only 
one six-number combination or hundreds?

How would you like to walk right around the 3if6 wheels to go 
after the higher tier prizes at lower playing costs for you?

How would you like a wheel that can put multiple 4-number prizes 
or a 5- or 6-number prize in your hands if its conditions are met?

Here is how it works . . .

Write out the amount of numbers you want to play, put a line 
between them in groups of 3, like this. 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 |
for as many numbers as you like up to all the numbers in your 
game.  To demonstrate we'll start with 18 numbers.

01-02-03 | 04-05-06| 07-08-09| 10-11-12 | 13-14-15 | 16-17-18

With the distribution concepts we learned, we would make a 
wheel like this with a hot, an average and a cold number under 
each pointer number alternating between odd and even, low and 
high numbers.  Try to randomize the selection, don't just take 
the first of each, the second of each next, that rarely works.

To play we put each 3 number subset into contact with every 
other one time.  Like I'm doing here with the pointer place 
holder numbers, of course you'd be doing this with the numbers 
you selected in the place of the pointer numbers . . .

01-02-03 | 04-05-06
01-02-03 | 07-08-09
01-02-03 | 10-11-12
01-02-03 | 13-14-15
01-02-03 | 16-17-18

04-05-06 | 07-08-09
04-05-06 | 10-11-12
04-05-06 | 13-14-15
04-05-06 | 16-17-18

07-08-09 | 10-11-12
07-08-09 | 13-14-15
07-08-09 | 16-17-18

10-11-12 | 13-14-15
10-11-12 | 16-17-18

13-14-15 | 16-17-18

15 combinations covering 18 numbers, what could happen?  

If you get 2 sets of 3 right, GUARANTEED JACKPOT!!!

If you get 1 set of 3 right and a set of 2 Guaranteed 5-number win!!

If you get 1 set of 3 right and 1 number guaranteed 4-number win!

Any set of 3 right guarantees multiple 3-number wins!!!

Even a set of 2 right and 1 number in another means a 3-number win.

How can you lose?  Have only 1 or none right per 3-number set.

Playing One Combination:

Make up two subsets of 3 with the balances in mind and combine 
to make one combination.

Playing 12 Numbers:

Make up four subsets of 3 with the balances in mind and 
combine to make six combinations.

01-02-03 | 04-05-06
01-02-03 | 07-08-09
01-02-03 | 10-11-12

04-05-06 | 07-08-09
04-05-06 | 10-11-12

07-08-09 | 10-11-12

Playing All the Numbers:

It takes 120 such combinations made up of subsets of 3
numbers to cover 6/48.  We can cover the full 49 by taking 
the 46-47-48 group and adding fifteen 46-47-49 additional 
plays for each subgroup combining.  Like this . . .

01-02-03 | 04-05-06
01-02-03 | 07-08-09 on to
01-02-03 | 46-47-48 and we add
01-02-03 | 46-47-49 until we reach
43-44-45 | 46-47-48 and
43-44-45 | 46-47-49 or we could use our elimination routines 
to take one or more numbers out of play for the draw.

When playing all the numbers, we have the opportunity to make 
up subsets that reflect the various opportunities we learned 
about in the charts above.  

For example: You can have some subsets with 2 or 3 hot 
numbers, some with 2 or 3 average numbers and some with a hot 
and two average, or two hot and a cold, etc.  

When playing all the numbers, or when we have all the numbers 
after successfully eliminating some from play, some additional 
guarantees come into effect.

As before any two subgroups of 3 numbers guarantees a jackpot.

As before any subgroup of three means there must be three 
numbers among the remaining subgroups.  If there is a subgroup 
with 2 of the winning numbers then you must have a 5-number 
and a 4-number win.  

If there are three subgroups with 1 number than you must 
have three 4-number wins plus multiple 3-number wins from 
the subgroup with 3 correct.  Even a sub group with two 
correct and four subgroups with one number correct means 
at least four 3-number wins.  The only way to lose is to have 
only one or none numbers correct per subgroup.

Here is the complete wheel for playing all the 6/49 numbers 
ready to copy and paste into your software for loading and if 
you like a little fine edge filtering if you have a program 
like Lottery Director or even its free demo which allows you 
to import pointer number place holder wheel lines.  Download a 
copy at  or you can import to CoverMaster 
and exchange numbers, practice first on a small wheel as it 
won't print your exchanged numbers unless you save it and open 
it in notepad for printing.  135 combinations.

01 02 03 04 05 06
01 02 03 07 08 09
01 02 03 10 11 12
01 02 03 13 14 15
01 02 03 16 17 18
01 02 03 19 20 21
01 02 03 22 23 24
01 02 03 25 26 27
01 02 03 28 29 30
01 02 03 31 32 33
01 02 03 34 35 36
01 02 03 37 38 39
01 02 03 40 41 42
01 02 03 43 44 45
01 02 03 46 47 48
01 02 03 46 47 49
04 05 06 07 08 09
04 05 06 10 11 12
04 05 06 13 14 15
04 05 06 16 17 18
04 05 06 19 20 21 
04 05 06 22 23 24
04 05 06 25 26 27
04 05 06 28 29 30
04 05 06 31 32 33
04 05 06 34 35 36
04 05 06 37 38 39
04 05 06 40 41 42
04 05 06 43 44 45
04 05 06 46 47 48
04 05 06 46 47 49
07 08 09 10 11 12
07 08 09 13 14 15
07 08 09 16 17 18
07 08 09 19 20 21
07 08 09 22 23 24
07 08 09 25 26 27
07 08 09 28 29 30
07 08 09 31 32 33
07 08 09 34 35 36
07 08 09 37 38 39
07 08 09 40 41 42
07 08 09 43 44 45
07 08 09 46 47 48
07 08 09 46 47 49
10 11 12 13 14 15
10 11 12 16 17 18
10 11 12 19 20 21
10 11 12 22 23 24
10 11 12 25 26 27
10 11 12 28 29 30
10 11 12 31 32 33
10 11 12 34 35 36
10 11 12 37 38 39
10 11 12 40 41 42
10 11 12 43 44 45
10 11 12 46 47 48
10 11 12 46 47 49
13 14 15 16 17 18
13 14 15 19 20 21
13 14 15 22 23 24
13 14 15 25 26 27
13 14 15 28 29 30
13 14 15 31 32 33
13 14 15 34 35 36
13 14 15 37 38 39
13 14 15 40 41 42
13 14 15 43 44 45
13 14 15 46 47 48
13 14 15 46 47 49
16 17 18 19 20 21
16 17 18 22 23 24
16 17 18 25 26 27
16 17 18 28 29 30
16 17 18 31 32 33
16 17 18 34 35 36
16 17 18 37 38 39
16 17 18 40 41 42
16 17 18 43 44 45
16 17 18 46 47 48
16 17 18 46 47 49
19 20 21 22 23 24
19 20 21 25 26 27
19 20 21 28 29 30
19 20 21 31 32 33
19 20 21 34 35 36
19 20 21 37 38 39
19 20 21 40 41 42
19 20 21 43 44 45
19 20 21 46 47 48
19 20 21 46 47 49
22 23 24 25 26 27
22 23 24 28 29 30
22 23 24 31 32 33
22 23 24 34 35 36
22 23 24 37 38 39
22 23 24 40 41 42
22 23 24 43 44 45
22 23 24 46 47 48
22 23 24 46 47 49
25 26 27 28 29 30
25 26 27 31 32 33
25 26 27 34 35 36
25 26 27 37 38 39
25 26 27 40 41 42
25 26 27 43 44 45
25 26 27 46 47 48
25 26 27 46 47 49
28 29 30 31 32 33
28 29 30 34 35 36
28 29 30 37 38 39
28 29 30 40 41 42
28 29 30 43 44 45
28 29 30 46 47 48
28 29 30 46 47 49
31 32 33 34 35 36
31 32 33 37 38 39
31 32 33 40 41 42
31 32 33 43 44 45
31 32 33 46 47 48
31 32 33 46 47 49
34 35 36 37 38 39
34 35 36 40 41 42
34 35 36 43 44 45
34 35 36 46 47 48
34 35 36 46 47 49
37 38 39 40 41 42
37 38 39 43 44 45
37 38 39 46 47 48
37 38 39 46 47 49
40 41 42 43 44 45
40 41 42 46 47 48
40 41 42 46 47 49
43 44 45 46 47 48
43 44 45 46 47 49

Do NOT play the pointer numbers, clusters of three numbers in 
sequential numeric order are rare and two sets of three 
numbers in sequential numeric order in the same combination 
almost unheard of.

One thing that makes this wheel so powerful, is every twelve 
numbers played in every possible way four subsets of three 
numbers can be combined each make a 100% 4if6in12number wheel.  
So you are not only playing a big 100% 6if6if3and3in49number 
wheel you are also playing so many 4if6in12number wheels I 
can't pick them all out.  

                    Economy System

Not ready for the Super Wheel or want to use the hot, average, 
cold distribution for Pick-5 or Pick-7?  Here's how to do it.

Examine your game's past draw history focusing on the lowest 
drawn number in each winning combination.  Here's some Florida 
draws . . .

12/04/02  15-27-29-34-38-48
12/07/02  01-03-07-32-34-49
12/11/02  08-10-15-24-48-53
12/14/02  06-14-18-36-39-45
12/18/02  02-04-19-24-26-45
12/21/02  09-20-21-34-37-47
12/25/02  07-13-21-29-39-47
12/28/02  22-23-29-35-38-50

Excluding any real aberrations, see how the first numbers run 
from 01 to somewhere between 20 and 25.  This gives us a 
min-max range for the first number and suggests how many lines 
to put into play.  Go with a figure that would apply to 
roughly 9 out of 10 drawings over the last 100 draws.

We write out the numbers 01 through 20 or 22 or 25, whatever 
works for your game, down the left side of a sheet of paper.  
We are now virtually guaranteed to have a combination with the 
first drawn number correct.

For the next part you need any lottery software that will tell 
you what numbers hit together most often in your game.  

Numbers that hit together are generally referred to as "Pairs" 
or "Co-Occurrence" and will be found on a Pairs Chart.  As the 
stock market guys would say in their ads, "Past results are 
not always an indicator of future performance." but it's all 
we have to work with.  There really isn't a lot of other good 
reasons to select any particular number for your combinations.

Your Pairs history doesn't have to be current to the latest 
draw so if you don't have good lottery software you can use 
the Pairs Chart in the demo of Lottery Director software found 

We already have the first number for each combination, so find 
the number that was paired with each of these most often and 
write it next to the first number.  Next find the number that 
paired off most often with our new second number in the line.  
Of course if we would have two of any number just go to the 
next most often paired, can't have two of the same numbers in 
a combination you know.

Stop when you have four numbers in the daisy chain of most 
paired together for each line.  At this point it doesn't 
matter how screwy the combinations look, we can bring them 
back into conformance with our final completing numbers.

With this system we want to put most or all the numbers into 
play so run through what you have so far and see if any 
numbers are missing you wanted to use, make a list of these to 
be sure to work in.

Review each combination for the expected 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2, 
5/1 balances of Odd/Even, Low/High, Hot/Average/Cold and use 
any number that "feels right" to complete the combinations.

If you are really into the balances often referred to as 
"filtering" it helps to remember almost every winning 
combination has at least one variance that would cause it to 
be deleted, so don't be too tough on what to allow.  

Pick-5 games are generally smaller than Pick-6, so expect to 
have only 15 to 20 lines to cover the lowest drawn numbers.

While there are min-max ranges for each position in the 
winning combinations (remember we're modeling on combination 
styles that win, not just any combination possible) they don't 
guarantee a winning number on the same line with the lowest 
drawn winning number.  To do so positionally would still take 
millions of combinations.  That said you can consider such 
when selecting your finishing numbers for your combinations.

Someday I expect there will be software that will do all this 
for us, until such time we must build combinations by hand.  
Suggestions for improving this system are welcome and may 
possibly be added to this article without credit given, feel 
free to help your fellow lottery player.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. I'm using lockdown to write a vba for excel proram to test the incredible super wheel for 6/29uk lotto, in the first instance playing all numbers. I want to see what would have happened had I used this system for the entire hisory (draw 21 to draw 2597). That will be very interesting, hoping putting a smile on my face. I'm 2.5 days in and about half way. Something I've always wanted to do but never did until I saw this system. Thx
