Lotto Game Size 7/49
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 85,900,584.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 292,278.86 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 4,750.88 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 213.79 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 21.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 2,386,127.33 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 25,565.65 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 874.04 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 69.00 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 11.19 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 108,460.33 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 2,512.59 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 162.85 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 22.33 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.91 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 13,348.96 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 504.79 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 50.99 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 10.52 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 2,699.24 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 149.27 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 21.56 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 6.25 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.35 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 738.74 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 56.54 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 11.17 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.38 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 248.19 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 25.53 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 6.74 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.51 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.36) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 42.30 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 7.61 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.53 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.23 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (5.46) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
7 among 36 = 1 in 10.29 draws or combinations
6 among 36 = 1 in 3.39 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.92 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (5.10) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (16.83) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
7 among 42 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
6 among 42 = 1 in 2.34 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in (4.81) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 42 = 1 in (21.93) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (213.79) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/47
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 62,891,499.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 224,612.50 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 3,839.53 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 181.87 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 19.66 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 1,746,986.08 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 19,702.85 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 710.01 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 59.17 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 10.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 79,408.46 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,944.70 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 133.46 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 19.41 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.46 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 9,773.35 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 392.68 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 42.22 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 9.29 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.84 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 1,976.23 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 116.82 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 18.08 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.62 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.25 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 540.86 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 44.58 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 9.51 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.04 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.16 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 181.71 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 20.32 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.84 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.34 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 30.89 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 6.23 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.25 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (3.37) draws or combinations(pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (6.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
7 among 36 = 1 in 7.53 draws or combinations
6 among 36 = 1 in 2.94 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in (3.03) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 36 = 1 in (6.47) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (26.69) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
7 among 42 = 1 in 2.33 draws or combinations
6 among 42 = 1 in (2.40) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
5 among 42 = 1 in (7.39) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 42 = 1 in (56.19) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (1,095.67) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/45
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 45,379,620.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 170,600.08 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 3,073.88 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 153.69 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 17.57 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 1,260,545.00 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 15,006.49 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 571.68 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 50.44 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 9.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 57,297.50 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,488.25 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 108.52 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 16.80 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.04 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 7,052.00 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 302.23 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 34.74 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 8.19 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.64 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 1,425.96 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 90.54 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 15.09 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.07 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 390.26 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 34.84 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 8.08 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.75 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.21) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 131.12 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 16.05 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.08 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.21 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.75) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 22.29 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 5.10 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.03 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (3.64) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (8.19) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
7 among 36 = 1 in 5.44 draws or combinations
6 among 36 = 1 in 2.59 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in (3.34) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 36 = 1 in (9.17) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (50.44) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/39
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 15,380,937.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 68,664.90 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 1,476.66 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 88.60 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 12.22 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 427,248.25 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 6,103.55 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 280.62 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 30.07 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 6.68 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 19,420.37 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 616.52 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 55.33 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 10.62 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 2,390.20 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 128.05 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 18.56 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 5.57 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 483.31 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 39.45 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 8.55 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.78 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 132.27 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 15.75 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 4.94 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.78) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 44.44 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 7.62 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.45 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (5.57) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 7.56 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in (3.00) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 30 = 1 in (6.68) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (30.07) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/37
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 10,295,472.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 49,026.06 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 1,127.04 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 72.45 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 10.73 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 285,985.33 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 4,377.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 216.16 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 24.94 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 5.99 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 12,999.33 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 445.69 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 43.33 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 9.04 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.70 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 1,599.92 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 93.50 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 14.84 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 4.90 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.09 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 323.51 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 29.19 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 7.03 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.47 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in (3.26) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 88.54 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 11.86 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 4.22 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.07 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (4.25) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 29.75 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 5.88 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.11 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in (3.39) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 24 = 1 in (7.11) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 5.06 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 2.48 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in (3.44) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 30 = 1 in (10.73) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (72.45) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/31
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 2,629,575.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 15,652.23 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 453.69 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 37.12 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 7.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 73,043.75 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 1,422.93 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 90.34 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 13.55 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 4.28 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 3,320.17 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 149.78 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 19.42 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 5.48 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.08 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 408.64 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 32.84 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 7.30 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 3.44 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 82.63 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 10.90 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 3.93 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.00 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in (4.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 22.61 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 4.85 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 2.87 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in (3.66) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 21 = 1 in (9.41) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 7.60 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 2.79 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 2.95 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in (7.07) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 24 = 1 in (37.12) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/27
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected7 among 7 = 1 in 888,030.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 6,343.07 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 222.56 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 22.26 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 5.24 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 24,667.50 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 587.32 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 46.06 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 8.64 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 3.45 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 1,121.25 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 64.07 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 10.68 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 3.94 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 2.96 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 138.00 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 14.79 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 4.48 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 2.96 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in (3.94) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 27.90 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 5.32 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in (3.45) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 18 = 1 in (8.64) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 7.64 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 2.73 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in (2.91) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 21 = 1 in (7.42) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 21 = 1 in (44.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of 100% Covering a Prize
Example: A full 9 number wheel requires 36 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7 so the winning combination is 1 among 36 or 1 in 36..
A full 8 number wheel requires 8 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 9 number wheel requires 36 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 10 number wheel requires 120 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 11 number wheel requires 330 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 12 number wheel requires 792 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 13 number wheel requires 1,716 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 14 number wheel requires 3,432 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 15 number wheel requires 6,435 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 16 number wheel requires 11,440 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 17 number wheel requires 19,448 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 18 number wheel requires 31,824 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 19 number wheel requires 50,388 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 20 number wheel requires 77,520 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 21 number wheel requires 116,280 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 22 number wheel requires 170,544 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 23 number wheel requires 245,157 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 24 number wheel requires 346,104 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 25 number wheel requires 480,700 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 26 number wheel requires 657,800 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 27 number wheel requires 888,030 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 28 number wheel requires 1,184,040 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 29 number wheel requires 1,560,780 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 30 number wheel requires 2,035,800 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 31 number wheel requires 2,629,575 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 32 number wheel requires 3,365,856 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 33 number wheel requires 4,272,048 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 34 number wheel requires 5,379,616 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 35 number wheel requires 6,724,520 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 36 number wheel requires 8,347,680 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 37 number wheel requires 10,295,472 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 38 number wheel requires 12,620,256 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 39 number wheel requires 15,380,937 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 40 number wheel requires 18,643,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 41 number wheel requires 22,481,940 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 42 number wheel requires 26,978,328 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 43 number wheel requires 32,224,114 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 44 number wheel requires 38,320,568 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 45 number wheel requires 45,379,620 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 46 number wheel requires 53,524,680 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 47 number wheel requires 62,891,499 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 48 number wheel requires 73,629,072 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 49 number wheel requires 85,900,584 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 50 number wheel requires 99,884,40 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 51 number wheel requires 115,775,100 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 52 number wheel requires 133,784,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 53 number wheel requires 154,143,080 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 54 number wheel requires 177,100,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 55 number wheel requires 202,927,725 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 56 number wheel requires 231,917,400 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 57 number wheel requires 264,385,836 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 58 number wheel requires 300,674,088 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 59 number wheel requires 341,149,446 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 60 number wheel requires 386,260,920 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 90 number wheel requires 7,471,375,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 99 number wheel requires 14,887,031,544 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 9 number wheel requires 36 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 10 number wheel requires 120 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 11 number wheel requires 330 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 12 number wheel requires 792 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 13 number wheel requires 1,716 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 14 number wheel requires 3,432 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 15 number wheel requires 6,435 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 16 number wheel requires 11,440 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 17 number wheel requires 19,448 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 18 number wheel requires 31,824 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 19 number wheel requires 50,388 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 20 number wheel requires 77,520 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 21 number wheel requires 116,280 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 22 number wheel requires 170,544 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 23 number wheel requires 245,157 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 24 number wheel requires 346,104 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 25 number wheel requires 480,700 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 26 number wheel requires 657,800 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 27 number wheel requires 888,030 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 28 number wheel requires 1,184,040 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 29 number wheel requires 1,560,780 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 30 number wheel requires 2,035,800 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 31 number wheel requires 2,629,575 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 32 number wheel requires 3,365,856 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 33 number wheel requires 4,272,048 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 34 number wheel requires 5,379,616 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 35 number wheel requires 6,724,520 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 36 number wheel requires 8,347,680 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 37 number wheel requires 10,295,472 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 38 number wheel requires 12,620,256 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 39 number wheel requires 15,380,937 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 40 number wheel requires 18,643,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 41 number wheel requires 22,481,940 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 42 number wheel requires 26,978,328 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 43 number wheel requires 32,224,114 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 44 number wheel requires 38,320,568 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 45 number wheel requires 45,379,620 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 46 number wheel requires 53,524,680 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 47 number wheel requires 62,891,499 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 48 number wheel requires 73,629,072 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 49 number wheel requires 85,900,584 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 50 number wheel requires 99,884,40 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 51 number wheel requires 115,775,100 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 52 number wheel requires 133,784,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 53 number wheel requires 154,143,080 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 54 number wheel requires 177,100,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 55 number wheel requires 202,927,725 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 56 number wheel requires 231,917,400 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 57 number wheel requires 264,385,836 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 58 number wheel requires 300,674,088 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 59 number wheel requires 341,149,446 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 60 number wheel requires 386,260,920 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 90 number wheel requires 7,471,375,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 99 number wheel requires 14,887,031,544 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
Odds Of A Prize
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 77 among 7 = 1 in 1 or 100%
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 9
7 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 36.00
6 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 12.00
6 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 2.57
5 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 6.00
5 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 2.00
5 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 1.71
4 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 3.60
4 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 1.80
4 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 2.40
4 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 3.60
3 if 3 among 9 = 1 in 2.40
3 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 1.80
3 if 5 among 9 = 1 in (3.60)
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 12
7 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 792.00
6 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 132.00
6 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 22.63
5 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 37.71
5 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 8.80
5 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 3.77
4 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 14.14
4 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 4.53
4 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 2.64
4 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 2.26
3 if 3 among 12 = 1 in 6.29
3 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 2.83
3 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 2.26
3 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 2.64
3 if 7 among 12 = 1 in (4.53)
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 15
7 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 6,435.00
6 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 715.00
6 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 114.91
5 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 143.00
5 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 29.79
5 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 10.94
4 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 39.00
4 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 10.73
4 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 5.11
4 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 3.28
3 if 3 among 15 = 1 in 13.00
3 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 4.88
3 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 3.06
3 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 2.55
3 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 2.63
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 18
7 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 31,824.00
6 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 2,652.00
6 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 413.30
5 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 408.00
5 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 80.36
5 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 27.55
4 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 87.43
4 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 22.25
4 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 9.64
4 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 5.51
3 if 3 among 18 = 1 in 3.53
3 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 7.95
3 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 4.45
3 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 3.21
3 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 2.76
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 21
7 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 116,280.00
6 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 7,752.00
6 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 1,186.53
5 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 969.00
5 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 184.57
5 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 60.85
4 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 171.00
4 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 41.53
4 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 17.04
4 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 9.13
3 if 3 among 21 = 1 in 38.00
3 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 12.21
3 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 6.39
3 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 4.26
3 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 3.32
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 24
7 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 346,104.00
6 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 19,228.00
6 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 2,908.44
5 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 2,024.00
5 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 377.02
5 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 121.18
4 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 303.60
4 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 71.44
4 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 28.28
4 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 14.54
3 if 3 among 24 = 1 in 57.83
3 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 17.86
3 if 5 among 25 = 1 in 8.93
3 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 5.66
3 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 4.15
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 30
7 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 2,035,800.00
6 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 84,825.00
6 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 12,644.72
5 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 6,786.00
5 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 1,229.35
5 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 383.17
4 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 783.00
4 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 177.03
4 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 67.06
4 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 32.84
3 if 3 among 30 = 1 in 116.00
3 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 34.04
3 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 16.09
3 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 9.58
3 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 6.57
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 36
7 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 8,347,680.00
6 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 278,256.00
6 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 41,121.58
5 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 17,952.00
5 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 3,198.34
5 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 979.09
4 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 1,683.00
4 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 371.42
4 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 137.07
4 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 65.27
3 if 3 among 36 = 1 in 204.00
3 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 58.03
3 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 26.53
3 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 15.23
3 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 10.04
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 42
7 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 26,978,328.00
6 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 749,398.00
6 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 110,115.62
5 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 40,508.00
5 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 7,137.12
5 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 2,159.13
4 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 3,198.00
4 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 694.42
4 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 251.90
4 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 117.77
3 if 3 among 42 = 1 in 328.00
3 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 91.37
3 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 40.85
3 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 22.90
3 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 14.72
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